Check-in & Work
Work Start & Finish
Work starts at 10am and ends at 7pm, but as long as you maintain a 40-hour workweek, you are usually free to come and go. If you come in early or late, you must notify directly via Telegram.
Focus on Work
Focus and immersion are the basics of working hours. Ask for understanding or take a vacation for personal issues. However, even if you take a vacation, others will not solve the tasks assigned to you.
Daily Recess Hour
The working hours are 8 hours per day, with a break time (+ lunch time) of 1 hour, for a total of 9 hours. For more information on break time, please refer to the link.
Overtime Work
In principle, overtime work is prohibited, but in unavoidable cases, approval is obtained and work is finished before 11 pm. Appropriate overtime pay is paid for necessary overtime work or weekend work.
A Bold Change
Depending on your personal preferences, you can also try more aggressive working hours, such as working 10 hours a day = 4 days a week.
intenxiv ⓒ 2025